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His & Hers Naskool / Aftercare - Alberton
Monday, 13 January 2014
Item details
Alberton, Gauteng
Offer type:
Item description
Huislike en Friendly Naskool sorg in Florentia, Alberton
Homely and Friendly Aftercare in Florentia, Alberton
Hier by His & Hers streef ons om net die beste opvoedkundige hulp te verleun, leerondersteuning te verskag in 'n liefdevolle Christen omgewing.
Here by His & Hirs we strive to give the best possible educational assistance, learning support in a loving Christian interactive environment.
Oop /Open Ma - Fr : 13H00 - 18H00
Geskik vir Hoërskole en Laerskole in Alberton
Host High School and Primary School in Alberton
Vervoer vanaf skool tot by die Naskool / Transport from school to Aftercare
Groot speel area / Big play areas
Gebalanseerde Middag ete en laat middag peuselhappies word verskaf
Balanced Lunch and afternoon Snack
Toesig met huiswerk en ons spesialiseer in Skool take
Supervision homework and we specialized in School Projects
Skool Vakansies /School Holiday (06H30 - 18H00)
Kuns Klasse word ingesluit / Craft Classes included
Uitstappies / Outings
Geniet jou aand saam met jou kind en los die huiswerk vir ons.
Enjoy your evening with your child and leave the rest to us
Homely and Friendly Aftercare in Florentia, Alberton
Hier by His & Hers streef ons om net die beste opvoedkundige hulp te verleun, leerondersteuning te verskag in 'n liefdevolle Christen omgewing.
Here by His & Hirs we strive to give the best possible educational assistance, learning support in a loving Christian interactive environment.
Oop /Open Ma - Fr : 13H00 - 18H00
Geskik vir Hoërskole en Laerskole in Alberton
Host High School and Primary School in Alberton
Vervoer vanaf skool tot by die Naskool / Transport from school to Aftercare
Groot speel area / Big play areas
Gebalanseerde Middag ete en laat middag peuselhappies word verskaf
Balanced Lunch and afternoon Snack
Toesig met huiswerk en ons spesialiseer in Skool take
Supervision homework and we specialized in School Projects
Skool Vakansies /School Holiday (06H30 - 18H00)
Kuns Klasse word ingesluit / Craft Classes included
Uitstappies / Outings
Geniet jou aand saam met jou kind en los die huiswerk vir ons.
Enjoy your evening with your child and leave the rest to us